Chapter 75
Vaisampayana said,–“Then the vanquished sons of Pritha prepared fortheir exile into the woods. And they, one after another, in due order,casting off their royal robes, attired themselves in deer-skins.
Vaisampayana said,–“Then the vanquished sons of Pritha prepared fortheir exile into the woods. And they, one after another, in due order,casting off their royal robes, attired themselves in deer-skins.
नेक कोई एक तो करम करले, नेक कोई एक तो करम करले
रोज़ थोड़ा-थोड़ा साँई का भजन कर ले – 2
“Sanjaya said, ‘The white steeded (Arjuna) also, O monarch, routed thyforce even as the winds, approaching a heap of cotton, scatters it on allsides.
1 [विभान्द]
रक्षांसि चैतानि चरन्ति पुत्र; रूपेण तेनाद्भुत दर्शनेन
अतुल्यरूपाण्य अति घॊरवन्ति; विघ्नं सदा तपसश चिन्तयन्ति
एक बार भगवान बुद्ध के दो शिष्य उनसे मिलने जा रहे थे| पूरे दिन का सफर था| चलते-चलते रास्ते में एक नदी पड़ी| उन्होंने देखा कि उस नदी में एक स्त्री डूब रही है|
Vaisampayana said, “Like a person unwilling to forgive an insult, Arjunaof keen speech and prowess, and possessed of energy, betraying greatfierceness and licking the Corners of his mouth, said these words ofgrave import, smiling the while: ‘Oh, how painful, how distressing!
“Bharadwaja said, ‘If it is the wind that keeps us alive, if it is thewind that causes us to move and exert, if it is the wind that causes usto breathe and to speak, then it seems that life is worth little.
रंगपुरी के निकटवर्ती जंगल में एक हिरण रहता था| उसे एक वृक्ष के फल बहुत अच्छे लगते थे| पास ही गाँव में एक शिकारी भी रहता था| वह यह बात जानता था|
“The Holy One said, ‘Once more still, O mighty-armed one, listen to mysupernal words which, from desire of (thy) good, I say unto thee thatwouldst be pleased (therewith).