नशे का तमाशा
एक आदमी बड़ा शराबी था| शाम होते ही वह शराब घर में पहुंच जाता और खूब शराब पीता| एक दिन उसने इतनी शराब पी कि चलते समय उसे पूरा होश न रहा| वह साथ में लालटेन लाया था|
एक आदमी बड़ा शराबी था| शाम होते ही वह शराब घर में पहुंच जाता और खूब शराब पीता| एक दिन उसने इतनी शराब पी कि चलते समय उसे पूरा होश न रहा| वह साथ में लालटेन लाया था|
1 [पुलस्त्य]
अथ संध्यां समासाद्य संवेद्यं तीर्थम उत्तमम
उपस्पृश्य नरॊ विद्वान भवेन नास्त्य अत्र संशयः
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Thou O grandsire, art endued with wisdom andknowledge of the scriptures, with conduct and behaviour, with diversekinds of excellent attributes, and also with years. Thou artdistinguished above others by intelligence and wisdom and penances.
“Saunaka said, ‘I shall for these reasons discourse to thee ofrighteousness, to thee whose heart has been exceedingly agitated.Possessed of knowledge and great strength, and with a contented heart,thou seekest righteousness of thy own will.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Having battled fiercely for five days, O king, theBrahmana (Drona) endued with great strength, fell and repaired to theregion of Brahma.
“Vrihannala said, ‘That about which thou hath first enquired is Arjuna’sbow, of world-wide fame, called Gandiva, capable of devastating hostilehosts.
“Bhishma said,–This Sisupala was born in the line of the king of Chediwith three eyes and four hands. As soon as he was born, he screamed andbrayed like an ass. On that account, his father and mother along withtheir relatives, were struck with fear.