अध्याय 21
1 [बर]
अत्राप्य उदाहरन्तीमम इतिहासं पुरातनम
निबॊध दश हॊतॄणां विधानम इह यादृशम
“Bhishma said, ‘I have now, O king, indicated who thy Rathas are and whothy Atirathas and half Rathas. Listen now to the tale of Rathas andAtirathas among the Pandavas.
“Draupadi said, ‘I bow down unto Dhatri and Vidhatri who have thusclouded thy sense! Regarding the burden (thou art to bear) thou thinkestdifferently from the ways of thy fathers and grand-fathers!
अंगूर एक बलवर्घक एवं सौन्दर्यवर्घक फल है। अंगूर फल मां के दूघ के समान पोषक है। फलों में अंगूर सर्वोत्तम माना जाता है। अंगूर में पर्याप्त मात्रा में कैलोरी, फाइबर और विटामिन सी, ई पाया जाता है| अंगूर के लाजवाब स्वाद से तो हम सभी परिचित हैं लेकिन कम ही लोगों को पता होता है कि ये सेहत का खजाना भी है|
मैं क्योंकर जावां क़ाबे नूं,
दिल लोचे तख्त हज़ारे नूं| टेक|
Vaishampayana said, “Baladeva (as already said), proceeded next to thetirtha called Udapana in the Sarasvati, that had formerly been theresidence, O king, of the illustrious (ascetic) Trita.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O foremost one of Bharata’s race, do thou relate tome all the duties of the household mode and tell me all that a man shoulddo in order to attain to prosperity in this world.’
“Bhishma said, ‘After Nimi had acted in the way described above, all thegreat Rishis began to perform the sacrifice in honour of the Pitris(called the Sraddha) according to rites laid down in the ordinance.
“Bhishma said, ‘This that I have told thee constitutes the first means.Listen now, O Bharata to the second means.