World of Spiritual & Divine Thoughts

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February 18, 2016 • Environment, Ethics, Human, Life

Human Ethics and Environment Protection

The nature and human beings are intertwined with that of nature. Infect there exists an inseparable bond between man and nature. Man’s existence cannot be thought to be existed without the nature. This mother earth has blessed mankind with her bounties- the biggest being air/oxygen which we breathe to remain alive. But since time immemorial, man has been exploiting the resources of nature for his own benefit. It is ironical infect that the man is misusing the resources of nature. This boon is converting into the bane and nature further retaliates to man’s destructive actions.
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February 11, 2016 • Human, Society

Elements Constituting Human Organism: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Sound

Human beings are made up of the same five elements and have similar biological structure. Infact, they are made up of the same stuff. As per the religious philosophy, human organism is divided into five elements Continue Reading

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February 1, 2016 • Family, Human, Life


The efforts done by the team as, joint efforts are always appreciating. When a team tries to achieve a desired set of goals, then the efforts. This spirit of working together is commendable. In this phase, they lose the sense of individuality and only focus their attention on producing result as a team. Infect, with coordination, all tasks become simple, even the toughest of the toughest works become simpler. Suppose there is a heavy load, a single man cannot do anything, but with the help of the joint efforts, it can easily be lifted.
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January 19, 2016 • Ego, Human, Life, Tolerance

Importance of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the process of granting free pardon and to give up all the claim on account of an offense or debt. To forgive, there is the requirement of two persons simultaneously– One who forgives and the one who is being forgiven. There are two main kinds of forgiveness- one is divine and other one is human forgiveness. In divine forgiveness, god forgives the human being whereas in human forgiveness, one human being forgives the other human being. Sometimes, the forgiveness is for granted, and sometimes, it is asked for. Granted forgiveness includes- the forgiveness which is for sure like as parents always forgive their children, this mother earth also forgives the human beings for all the kind of his mendacities. Granted forgiveness takes place when at least one part has surrendered in the relationship, irrespective of the fact that whether the other part has surrendered or not.
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January 10, 2016 • Human, Life, Miscellaneous

Priorities in Life

Let’s analyze the real meaning of priorities that we have now.  Rarely a person thinks about the real meaning of his existence. Are we giving the real priorities to the required things? The answer would be big no. because we are unable to settle the right aim for life. If it would be clear, then the priorities would be entirely different. Does that solve the purpose to get up and perform all the worldly chores to get entangle in them permanently. Why this beautiful body has been given to us? Is that to mere make the body feel comfortable and to achieve the materialistic possessions? The short term goals are superseding the long term goals, causing the more focus of the higher purpose, thus leads the meaningless life.
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