World of Spiritual & Divine Thoughts

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July 8, 2016 • Devotion, God, Life, Spirituality

Who is God? What are Personality Traits of God?

God is the basic and ultimate element of the cosmos. It is considered that almighty God prevails everywhere. Each and every pore of the cosmos is pervaded by the cosmic matter. Thus, God is basic and subtle element and is considered as formless. Since, God has created this beautiful universe, God has formed aspect too. Continue Reading

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April 15, 2016 • Astrology, Human, Life

Types of Doshas in The Kundali

There are ample of instances available, when the person inspite of working so hard for a particular field, goes into failure, even the work done goes into vain. Similarly, it has been observed that the marriage relationships also get weaker, instead of becoming stronger. All this leads to severe disappointment and negativity in their life that they are not lucky, their fate does not support them.

The main cause behind this kind of situation is the incompatibility generated due to the stars. The planets and stars, when are at the favourable positions, cause comfort, whereas, opposite is seen in case of disarrangement and contradictory positions. Continue Reading

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April 10, 2016 • Astrology, Family, Human

Astrological Remedies for Childless Couples

The children are taken as the form of God. They enrich the life of the mother and the father. But it is great irony that many people fail to produce the babies,  due to medical and other reasons of non medical origin. These problems can be of pre pregnancy or during pregnancy like the miscarriage problems. the children produced are of the disabled types. there are various medical complications after the pregnancy like thyroid, depression and infertility.

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March 27, 2016 • Christianity, Festival, God

Easter Sunday Religious Ceremonies

Among the most important festivals in the Christian calendar, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday, also known as Resurrection Sunday, marks the end of a 40-day period of fasting, called Lent, which marks repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline.The date of celebrating Easter is not fixed; it is linked to the first Sunday of a full Moon day between March 21 and April 25, around the time of the Spring Equinox. The dates follow the Gregorian ecclesiastical rules established in 325 CE by the First Council of Nicaea. This ensures that Easter Sunday is observed all over the world on the same day and the dates can be calculated for an indefinite period in future. Most churches observe Easter according to the Gregorian calendar, but a few still follow the Julian calendar.Sacred Occasion On Easter Sunday, devotees attend church services and remember the sufferings that Jesus went through for the sake of humanity. The week preceding Easter is known as the Holy Week. The Friday before Easter Sunday is observed as Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified.The festival is celebrated by Christians across the world. In India, the festivities are more visible in regions that have a large Christian population. Kerala, Goa, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Mizoram are among states that celebrate Easter with great religious fervour.
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March 25, 2016 • Christianity, Tolerance, True Master

Good Friday: Sacred Observance & Activities

Good Friday commemorates the suffering and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. It is observed by Christians around the world, especially in the Catholic and Anglican countries. For Christians in India, too, it is a day dedicated to fasting, praying, and meditating on the agony and suffering of Jesus. Many churches have a subdued service with solemn hymns and prayers of thanksgiving. The message is centered on observance of the Lord’s Supper and his suffering for his followers. The Friday before Easter Sunday is Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified. It is also known as Easter Friday, Black Friday, Holy Friday or Great Friday. In Eastern Christianity, which follows the Julian calendar, Easter falls on the first Sunday following the full Moon on or after March 21, the date of the spring equinox. The Western calculation uses the Gregorian or Christian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.

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Five Noble Pledges of Sant Nirankari Mission

The pursuit of Truth is a universal phenomenon. Religious faiths all across the world proclaim to preach it, and amongst them they agree that there is no greater Truth than the Supreme Being, the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty Formless One – Nirankar. The many and varied names for God all represent an omnipresent, all-pervasive, omniscient, and Supreme Entity.

All the sages, seers, saints, gurus and prophets from across time have, therefore, preached the same Ultimate Truth; God. The approach, however, might have been different. The various Holy Scriptures are the milestones representing the flow of Divine Thought. These writings and teachings were meant to reveal the Ultimate Truth. History, however, shows that rituals and dogmas overwhelmed the essential Truth behind these teachings, creating confusion and division between religions, sects, and communities. Continue Reading

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March 5, 2016 • Devotees, Devotion

Types of Selfless Service

Here are three types of services that are central to the attainment of divine grace. These are  service by wealth, body and mind (Dhann, Tann, Mann). Continue Reading

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March 5, 2016 • Meditation, Spirituality

How to Achieve Peace of Mind?

A real instance from the life of Lord Buddha can be cited as the perfect epitome for getting the knowledge of topic in more deeper aspects. Once Buddha was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers.  While they were travelling they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there. Buddha told one of his disciples “I am thirsty. Get me some water from the lake there”. The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water. And right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha” So he came back and told Buddha, “ The water in the lake is very muddy . I do not think  it is fit to drink .” They waited for half an hour  there. Again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink . The disciple obediently went back to the lake .This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water in it . The mud had settled down and  the water above looked fit to drink . So, he collected some water  in a pot and brought it to Buddha. Continue Reading

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February 15, 2016 • God, Science and Spirituality, Spirituality

Soaring on Wings of Science and Spirituality

Before we ponder into this intriguing topic, it’s of utmost importance to analyze the matter of overwhelming curiosity. As science has thick blanket of mathematical calculations, underneath this lies a thick blanket of mathematical calculations. As mentioned in the holy bible pertaining Adam and Eve. How they started their life by eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. Adam started differentiating between himself and the material world.  Possessing an increased awareness, Adam and eve learned how to adapt to the environment, and how to exploit the resources of nature. Subsequent generations also developed skills of hunting and farming. The next leap was the emergence of metal tools, about 5000 years ago. Which proved to be crucial step in the development of industry? If we think back to the era of Greco Romans, a civilization from which the western world derived the basic structure on which modern science has made such a gigantic progress. Henceforth, the wise began to philosophies about the existence of man, and this gave birth to modern science.
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February 13, 2016 • God, Science and Spirituality, Spirituality

Scientific Interpretation of God

Science and god are generally considered anti poles. Some people ridicule God as a symbol of orthodoxy and backwardness. There are others who are curious to know God, but do not want to accept him without scientific facts and logical explanations. Continue Reading

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February 10, 2016 • God, True Master

Role of the True Master

God’s attributes are countless; most of which have been scribed in the Holy Scriptures. The salient features are stated in the following lines: Continue Reading

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February 3, 2016 • Devotees, Devotion, God

Of God Knowledge and God Particle

Getting inquisitive to know about the True meaning of words scientific and spiritualism is not an old concept. As per the formal definitions, the former stands for something which is technical, systematic, logical, precise, exact, controlled etc. whereas, the latter stands for religious, holy, saintly, pious, sacred, devout and divine etc. so as per the dictionary meaning of these two words, they seem to be the antonym of each other. It does rather seem that word logical stands for one end of the spectrum, while the divine for the other end of it. It further leads to the generation of an idea that the person with divine qualities lacks logic and precision in the thoughts, and does not live systematically by controlling his way of life. Further pondering into the matter, it can be analyzed that the word pious means virtuous, dutiful and moral; devout is dedicated, committed ; and saintly is flawless and perfect .i further realize that then why does a discrepancy does creep in while differentiating science and spirituality ? a person who knows science may also be pious, holy , sacred, devout and divine, and above board , saintly also pertains flawless and perfect. Hence one can say that these two words are not at variance with each other.
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January 15, 2016 • Congregation

My Purpose of Attending Sangat/Congregation

Attending the sangat, called as company of saints has its immense importance, whose value cannot be underestimated. Hence its mendatory to ponder upon the subject of the same that what major benefits are obtained by joining the company of the saints. Here are given some key aspects of joining the same. Continue Reading

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January 13, 2016 • God, Prayer

If God is Omniscient, Is it Important to Pray and if so Why?

All the religions of the world today affirm the all-knowing omniscience of God. There is nothing hidden from him. There is nothing that he does not know. In the light of the truth, which every devout believer accepts, the place of prayer becomes clear to you in this manner. Omniscience means that god knows everything. However, it does not mean that he is doing something in connection with what he knows. Also he has millions and billions of human beings to attend to in his creation. He also do have millions and billions of other creatures great and small, whom he has to look after and provide for in every want and requirement. The human individual therefore feels it very necessary to attract God’s attention and draw it towards himself or herself. Thus despite God’s omniscience the human beings prays to attract his special attention towards oneself.
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January 8, 2016 • Devotees, God, Prayer

Different Ways to Pray

There are many ways to pray: prostration, prayer, wheels, pilgrimages, kneeling in church, circumambulating all using the body. Also chanting, verbal prayers and silent or interior prayers. Different people pray in a different way. Like Austere monastic prefer the silent, interior prayers. Whether some work better than others is a matter of how you look at it. Take the example of the prayer wheel. The Tibetans live in icy cold place. Sometimes at 18000 feet above sea level. They have to engage in some sort of physical activity to stimulate the blood circulation. Hence, the rotating of the prayer wheel. Lord Jesus once said that pray ceaselessly. The Tibetans also do this by fixing somewhat bigger sized prayer wheel atop a structure or a post specially set up for this so that it catches the blowing wind and keeps on rotating day and night.
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January 5, 2016 • God, Human, Life

Love of God

The topic of love carries immense importance as the love itself is a word which is impossible to define and further explain. The love for God is understood in a way which is actually farther from the real goal. Let’s have a brief discussion of how people express their love. A person who recites the spiritual mantras is considered holy but is it a sufficient evidence to express or feel the real love for God? The answer would not be in the favour. Then what can be considered as a measure of this?
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January 3, 2016 • God, Spirituality

The Ultimate Substance Conceptualized

To conceptualize the substance in a logical manner, we need to understand about the traits of it. The ultimate substance can be called as ultimate reality because the real and the ultimate are to be the same. Continue Reading

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