World of Spiritual & Divine Thoughts


March 13, 2016 • Family, Society

Family Life, Connected with the Society and the World with the Help of Norms of Conduct

Like, everybody should be treated with respect at home. Every relationship has its own place as well as importance, whether it is that of a mother or mother –in-law, sister or sister-in-law, father or father –in-law. Whenever any member of the household cross the perimeter of his /her code of conduct there would naturally be turmoil in the house. Another thing which is essential in family life is that all the family members should understand each other’s nature properly and then deal accordingly. They should respect each other’s interests. Instead of asserting rights, they should concentrate more on performing their duties.
The devotees should not at all have any tension in their homes as they treat everybody as their own; no one is a stranger to them. Love, humility, tolerance are their natural virtues. Even if there is a difference of opinion because of some misunderstanding in their homes, it gets solved very quickly because of their large heartedness. The difference of opinions of saints are momentary and are as short lived as a line drawn on water ; mahapurushs do not stay clung to petty disagreements, which take place at home. If there is perpetual fight in somebody’s house, then I feel, that family has alienated itself from God knowledge and they have no fear of the Guru in their hearts ; because there is no chance for the ego, adamancy, selfishness, envy etc. to stay as long as god knowledge is there.


One Response to " Family Life, Connected with the Society and the World with the Help of Norms of Conduct "

  1. Family life ain't what it used to be! says:

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