World of Spiritual & Divine Thoughts

Ego Category


March 17, 2016 • Ego, Environment, Family

The First Time, Pakistan Declared Public Holidays on Holi, Diwali and Easter

For the first time in its 68 year history, minority communities in Pakistan including Hindus and Christians will have a national holiday observed on their important festivals. The total number of Christians in Pakistan was estimated at 2.5 million in 2005, which is around 1.6 per cent of the population.

The resolution was moved by Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani, an elected Hindu lawmaker of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League from Sindh. Continue Reading

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February 12, 2016 • Ego, God

Ego, the Basic Malady

It is absolutely clear that the idea of humanism was foremost in the minds of all those teachers whose contributions are enshrined in the Adi granth. Continue Reading

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January 19, 2016 • Ego, Human, Life, Tolerance

Importance of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the process of granting free pardon and to give up all the claim on account of an offense or debt. To forgive, there is the requirement of two persons simultaneously– One who forgives and the one who is being forgiven. There are two main kinds of forgiveness- one is divine and other one is human forgiveness. In divine forgiveness, god forgives the human being whereas in human forgiveness, one human being forgives the other human being. Sometimes, the forgiveness is for granted, and sometimes, it is asked for. Granted forgiveness includes- the forgiveness which is for sure like as parents always forgive their children, this mother earth also forgives the human beings for all the kind of his mendacities. Granted forgiveness takes place when at least one part has surrendered in the relationship, irrespective of the fact that whether the other part has surrendered or not.
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