World of Spiritual & Divine Thoughts

nirankari Tag Archive


March 5, 2016 • Devotees, Devotion

Types of Selfless Service

Here are three types of services that are central to the attainment of divine grace. These are  service by wealth, body and mind (Dhann, Tann, Mann). Continue Reading

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January 15, 2016 • Congregation

My Purpose of Attending Sangat/Congregation

Attending the sangat, called as company of saints has its immense importance, whose value cannot be underestimated. Hence its mendatory to ponder upon the subject of the same that what major benefits are obtained by joining the company of the saints. Here are given some key aspects of joining the same. Continue Reading

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January 2, 2016 • Miscellaneous, Spirituality, True Master

From Darkness to Light

O’God! From untruth, lead me to Light

From death, lead me to Immortality Peace, Peace, Peace.

                                 (Bridhardanyaka Upanishad 1:3-28.)

God is the Supreme Light. The same Divine Light manifests itself in the human form as the True Master.

Baba Avtar Singh Nirankari said in one of his Sermons: “A blind can neither see himself nor the sighted ones; But a sighted person can see both – the blind as well as the sighted.” Continue Reading

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