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March 25, 2016 • Christianity, Tolerance, True Master

Good Friday: Sacred Observance & Activities

Good Friday commemorates the suffering and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. It is observed by Christians around the world, especially in the Catholic and Anglican countries. For Christians in India, too, it is a day dedicated to fasting, praying, and meditating on the agony and suffering of Jesus. Many churches have a subdued service with solemn hymns and prayers of thanksgiving. The message is centered on observance of the Lord’s Supper and his suffering for his followers. The Friday before Easter Sunday is Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified. It is also known as Easter Friday, Black Friday, Holy Friday or Great Friday. In Eastern Christianity, which follows the Julian calendar, Easter falls on the first Sunday following the full Moon on or after March 21, the date of the spring equinox. The Western calculation uses the Gregorian or Christian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.

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March 13, 2016 • Family, Society

Family Life, Connected with the Society and the World with the Help of Norms of Conduct

Like, everybody should be treated with respect at home. Every relationship has its own place as well as importance, whether it is that of a mother or mother –in-law, sister or sister-in-law, father or father –in-law. Whenever any member of the household cross the perimeter of his /her code of conduct there would naturally be turmoil in the house. Another thing which is essential in family life is that all the family members should understand each other’s nature properly and then deal accordingly. They should respect each other’s interests. Instead of asserting rights, they should concentrate more on performing their duties.
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February 17, 2016 • Spirituality, Tolerance

Tolerance through Soul Kinship

The tolerance as the word implies, is the endurance or the power that helps in tolerating the unfavorable situations of the life. More precisely, tolerance implies patience or perseverance, the ability to endure anything without losing control of mind. All of us aspire for a tolerant society. Various religions regularly impress upon their followers to practice tolerance in their day to day lives. However, we are sadly witnessing contrary spectacle of ever diminishing tolerance in our society. Around the globe, numerous media of every day bring into our homes the innumerable alarming incidents of human retaliation and mindless acts of violence, which are based on intolerance due to man-made differences of race, color, language, caste and nationality, etc. Continue Reading

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