अध्याय 164
1 [भ]
गिरं तां मधुरां शरुत्वा गौतमॊ विस्मितस तदा
कौतूहलान्वितॊ राजन राजधर्माणम ऐक्षत
स्वामी रामकृष्ण परमहंस के शरीर-त्याग के बाद उनके शिष्य स्वामी विवेकानंद तीर्थयात्रा के लिए निकले|
Vaisampayana said, “Thus addressed by Arjuna of curly hair, the Kuru kingborn of Kunti remained speechless. Then the island-born (Vyasa) saidthese words.
Dhritarashtra said, “When the generalissimo Sweta, O son, was slain inbattle by the enemy, what did those mighty bowmen, the Panchalas with thePandavas, do?
1 [य]
समागताः पाण्डवाः सृञ्जयाश च; जनार्दनॊ युयुधानॊ विराटः
यत ते वाक्यं धृतराष्ट्रानुशिष्टं; गावल्गणे बरूहि तत सूतपुत्र
“Markandeya said, The powerful Satyavan then, accompanied by his wife,plucked fruits and filled his wallet with them. And he then began to fellbranches of trees.
एक बार यूनान का राजदूत भारत आया। उसने मौर्य साम्राज्य के महामंत्री चाणक्य की प्रशंसा प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के मुख से सुनी। वह चाणक्य से मिलने के लिए उत्सुक हो उठा। राजदूत चाणक्य से मिलने उनके निवास स्थान गंगा के किनारे चल दिया।
“Manu said, ‘From that eternal and undeteriorating One first sprangSpace; from space came Wind; from wind came Light; from light came Water;from water sprang the Universe; and from the universe, all things thatoccur in it.