Chapter 224
“Markandeya continued, ‘O lord of men, the beautiful Siva endowed withgreat virtues and an unspotted character was the wife of Angiras (one ofthe seven Rishis).
“Markandeya continued, ‘O lord of men, the beautiful Siva endowed withgreat virtues and an unspotted character was the wife of Angiras (one ofthe seven Rishis).
“The lady replied, ‘I am a daughter of Prajapati (the lord of allcreatures, Brahma) and my name is Devasena. My sister Daityasena has erethis been ravished by Kesin.
“Markandeya continued, ‘O sinless scion of Kuru’s race, I have describedto thee the various branches of the race of Agni. Listen now to the storyof the birth of the intelligent Kartikeya.
Markandeya continued, “Mudita, the favourite wife of the fire Swaha, usedto live in water. And Swaha who was the regent of the earth and sky begetin that wife of his a highly sacred fire called Advanta.
“Markandeya continued, ‘The fire called Bharata was bound by severe rulesof asceticism. Pushtimati is another name of his fire; for when he issatisfied he vouchsafes pushti (development) to all creatures, and forthis reason he is called Bharata (or the Cherisher).
Yudhishthira said, ‘O best of speakers! what was the extent of power andstrength possessed by king Somaka? I am desirous of hearing an exactaccount of his deeds and of his power.”
“Markandeya continued, ‘He (Uktha) performed a severe penance lasting formany years, with the view of having a pious son equal unto Brahma inreputation.
“Markandeya continued, ‘Vrishaspati had a wife (called Tara) belonging tothe lunar world. By her, he had six sons partaking of the energy of fire,and one daughter.
Markandeya continued, ‘O ornament of Kuru’s race, he (Angiras) who wasthe third son of Brahma had a wife of the name of Subha. Do thou hear ofthe children he had by her.
Vaisampayana continued, “The virtuous king Yudhishthira, having listenedto this excellent religious discourse, again addressed himself to therishi Markandeya saying,