World of Spiritual & Divine Thoughts


January 5, 2016 • Meditation

Learn to Meditate

In this busy era of cut throat competition, it has been observed that people don’t have the time to sit calmly and to meditate. Sitting silently and getting inside peacefully reveals the presence of contentment and a state of spiritual innings. The contentment further prevails, leading to increase in overall well being and spiritual ohra and sound growth. The French mathematician Blaise wrote, “all man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. We have become experts at filling our lives with noise and activities. We wake up to the sound of the radio blaring and dress while the television news is on. We drive to work listening to the latest traffic report and spend the next eight hours in a bustling office. When we come back home, we delve into the evening activities against the background sound of the television, ringing phones and humming computers.

Pascal mentioned that most of our miseries do stem from the fact that we have lost sight of the importance of being silent, for even a short period, every day of our lives. Mental focus and concentration are the real synonymous words for the meditation. For any activity, you need to focus entirely; otherwise, a time comes when achieving the goals become impossible. Goals can perfectly be attained by concentrating well on the things and the works available. Meditation provides a real sense of deep peace within to get rid of the restless state of mind and the day to day stress and tensions.

Most notice worthy key aspect of the same is the subject start mastering himself rather than becoming the servant of the same. It’s very much important. When we start meditating, we develop the ability to focus more and become the real master than the slave.

The life gets changed when we learn meditation and it’s rather an old age technique that was developed by some of the world’s wisest people to gain full control of the mind and to realize the worthy potential for attaining the pursuits.

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